Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Vehicle Burglary

Fitness center thefts

There’s been a series of thefts from fitness centers in the area and Crime Stoppers needs your tips to help solve these crimes. In the past week, police have taken several reports of items being stolen from lockers in the fitness centers or from cars parked outside gyms while the victims were working out. Police are investigating these thefts and hope you can help identify the thieves. Please remember that you should never leave anything of value visible in a car and always lock your car while you’re working out. Also, secure items with padlocks in fitness center lockers. In some of these incidents, the thieves removed just the credit cards and ID’s from purses and wallets and then placed thousands of dollars of charges on the cards.

Cold case update

Cold case update

Crime Stoppers is seeking tips or any information which might be helpful in solving the below listed homicides which have occurred in Sangamon County in past years . In some instances, these tragic criminal acts occurred many years ago and although the cases are not forgotten, new information has not materialized for a long period of time. New information is needed in all of these cases and it is hoped that, over time, someone has decided to come forward with information which might help investigators.

New Domino's on South Fifth Street robbed

New Domino's on South Fifth Street robbed

A man carrying a handgun and wearing a ski mask robbed the recently opened Domino's restaurant on South Fifth Street early Wednesday morning, police said.

Springfield police responded to Domino's at 2662 S. Fifth at 12:15 a.m. for a report of an armed robbery.

A store employee reported a man armed with a handgun entered the store through the back door and forced him to open the store safe.

After removing an unknown amount of cash from the safe, the robber fled in an unknown direction. No one was injured, police said.

The robber was described as a black man approximately 6 feet to 6 feet 3 inches tall, wearing all black clothing and a ski mask.

Seeking information on multiple bank robberies

Seeking information on multiple bank robberies

A Bank Robbery suspect has targeted banks on Springfield’s west side three times in recent weeks and Crime Stoppers has surveillance photos on our website. The first robbery occurred on September 28th at the INB branch on Chatham Road and the most recent one occurred on Friday October 7th at Chase Bank on Veterans Parkway. Crime Stoppers urges you to look at the photos on our website and see if you can identify the perpetrator. The robber was a white male, perhaps in his 40’s or 50’s. In the first two robberies he had salt and pepper hair, in the most recent one it appeared he may have dyed his hair black. He has worn button down dress shirts or a polo shirt under a jacket.

Second robbery by same suspect

Second robbery by same suspect

For the second time in a week a bank robbery has taken place in Springfield and Crime Stoppers has new surveillance photographs on our website. The first robbery occurred on September 28th at the Illinois National Bank branch at 2601 Chatham Road. The second one occurred at about 12:30 in the afternoon on Tuesday October 3rd at the PNC bank at 3019 Chatham Road. Crime Stoppers urges you to take a look at the new photos and see if you can identify the perpetrator. You can clearly see that the robber was a white male, perhaps in his 40’s or 50’s. He had salt and pepper hair and a blue button down dress shirt.

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