Friday, March 14, 2025


Aggravated Robbery

Crime Stoppers Needs Tips on Commercial Burglary and Theft

Discount Tobacco in Chatham Struck by Burglary

  • 27 July 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 4898

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

 July 27, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Chatham Police are looking for information about a commercial burglary at Discount Tobacco on Main Street in Chatham and Crime Stoppers could use your tips to help solve this crime. On July 23rd shortly after 11 p.m., an unknown person smashed a window to gain entry to the business and – once inside – stole several cartons of Newport cigarettes and the cash register which contained a small amount of currency. Images of the suspect were captured from surveillance video which showed the suspect to be wearing black shoes with white trim at the bottom and light colored blue jeans with a pattern on the back pockets. The suspect wore a dark hoodie over his shirt to conceal his identity.

Crime Stoppers Recognizes Media for Contributions in Solving Crimes

Local Radio, Television, and Newspapers are Keys to Solving Local Problems

  • 24 July 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 8241

Crime Stoppers Thanks for Assistance!
July 20, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

In our weekly Crime of the Week news spots we try to bring attention to criminal incidents which have occurred in hopes that you can come forward with information to help police solve these crimes. Thankfully, you’ve stepped up in record numbers with information and we’re well on our way to our biggest year ever - and we’re not slowing down.

This week we want to recognize and thank our friends in the media who are a vital part of the success of Crime Stoppers. Local news outlets get our messages to you every week, and without this support, our program probably wouldn’t exist. Even though some crime will always occur and I’ll continue to report on it weekly, it’s important to remember -we’re living in a great area of a great nation, and our local media outlets strengthen our community with their service.  Our hats are off to those in the media who help us make the places in which we live, work, and play more enjoyable and safer for all.


Lucy's Gaming Parlor on Sangamon Avenue robbed

Customer also Victim of Armed Robbery

  • 13 July 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 8677
Lucy's Gaming Parlor on Sangamon Avenue robbed

Crimes Stoppers Crime of the Week
July 13, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

An armed robbery occurred July 12th at Lucy’s Place Video Gaming parlor on Sangamon Avenue and Crime Stoppers would like to help solve this crime. Shortly after midnight a black male wearing a surgical mask and carrying a silver revolver entered the business and robbed a customer. He then approached the cashier and was able to get away with less than $100 from the business. The suspect was described as having a dark skin tone and was in his mid 20’s. He stood approximately 6 feet tall and was wearing a maroon shirt and dark shorts.

Tips Needed in May 28th Shooting at Northside Barber Shop

Three Persons Treated for Non-Life Threatening Gunshot Wounds

  • 6 July 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 3976

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
 July 6, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

With several of the recent shooting incidents solved and suspects in custody, Crime Stoppers would like to put the focus on this week’s Crime of the Week on a shooting which occurred on May 28th at Elite Barber Shop, formerly known as Got' em Faded Barber Shop, near Sixth and North Grand in Springfield.  Multiple shots were fired at the business shortly after midnight that night striking three persons who were inside. All three were treated for non- life threatening injuries however; the two persons who were responsible for the shooting remain at large. Detectives have developed several leads in the case but additional information could result in arrests. Crime Stoppers will pay up to Twenty Five Hundred Dollars if your information contributes to the arrests of the persons involved in this shooting and your identity would be kept totally anonymous.

Vehicle and Home Burglaries Increase in Springfield Neighborhoods

Tips To Avoid Being a Victim of Summer Burglaries

  • 29 June 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 9197

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
 June 29, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Police have taken several reports of burglaries in Springfield and Crime Stoppers wants to remind you that there are some basic crime prevention strategies you can employ to decrease your chances of being victimized. First and foremost, always lock doors to garages, storage sheds, and vehicles. So many crimes could be prevented by merely making your property a harder target for criminals to hit. Second, use security lights and motion lights at the exterior of your home and put lights on timers inside, criminals love darkness and always take advantage of it. These basic steps won’t prevent all burglaries, but they will help reduce crime numbers significantly.

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