Monday, March 3, 2025


Help Get Stolen Weapons Off the Street

Help Get Stolen Weapons Off the Street

  • 14 December 2016
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 4333
Help Get Stolen Weapons Off the Street

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week December 15, 2016 Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties. Crime Stoppers is looking for information about guns which were stolen in a burglary to Letz Hunt and Sport in October. Some of these guns have already been used in shooting incidents in the Springfield area and were probably the weapons used in a number of the recent armed robberies. It’s time for those with knowledge of the whereabouts of these weapons to come forward with information- before additional innocent persons are victimized or worse yet, killed. A failure to take action to prevent a tragic incident is something that just shouldn’t happen. There were 53 weapons stolen in the burglary and although police have recovered several of them, many more remain in Springfield and they need to be taken off the street. If Crime Stoppers gets information that helps in the recovery of a large quantity of weapons we might end up paying the highest reward we’ve ever paid in Springfield. Call us with your tips at 788-8427 or leave a tip on the website All tips are anonymous, all rewards are cash, and any information could help save an innocent life.


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