Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Summer theft advisory

Unlawful Credit Card Use

  • 26 February 2025
Unlawful Credit Card Use

This week Crime Stoppers is seeking to assist the Springfield Police Department to identify an individual reference a theft and unlawful use of credit cards. On February 7th,2025, officers received a report of a wallet being stolen and the credit cards being used at various businesses in Springfield.  The suspect, who appears to be a black female, was wearing a black beanie cap and a large black puffy coat, made several purchases totaling over $7,000.00.  Images of the individual can be found on this website, If you have any information regarding this incident or can identify the suspect, call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 217-788-8427, submit a tip on this website, or use the P3 app. If your tip results in an arrest you could receive a cash reward up to $2500.  Remember Crime Stoppers only wants your information, not your name.



Seeking information on growing graffiti problem

  • 8 March 2018
Seeking information on growing graffiti problem

Officer Mike Badger, for Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard counties.

Police have taken several reports of unknown persons spray painting graffiti images and symbols on several buildings and vehicles in the Springfield area in the past few weeks and Crime Stoppers hopes your tips will lead to the identification of the culprit. Graffiti is an age old form of vandalism that debases the aesthetics of an area and contributes to a decline in any community in which it presents itself. It also creates a burden on individual victims and neighborhood residents who are forced to spend their time and money in cleanup efforts to erase the damage caused by those who engage in this criminal public nuisance.

Crime Stoppers Offers Help in Reporting Suspicious Activity in Schools

Report Potential School Threats to School Administrators, Law Enforcement, or Crime Stoppers

  • 1 March 2018
Crime of the Week logo

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

 March 1, 2018

Officer Mike Badger, for Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard counties.

With the recent school shooting tragedy in Parkland Florida following several other senseless incidents in which our country which has lost dozens of innocent children, Crime Stoppers wants to point out that in many cases there were clues or indicators that could have prevented the shootings- and that information hadn’t been relayed to authorities. In some situations those with knowledge- many of them students themselves- didn’t know who to give the information to or they didn’t want to give their name because they just weren’t certain that the threat was real. Crime Stoppers feels we can help address these concerns by offering anonymity to any caller who calls with information about someone who may pose a life-threatening danger in any school in our area.

We already have Campus Crime Stopper Program in the District 186 high Schools but we want to get the word out that anybody with information can call the Crime Stopper tipline at 788-8427 anytime of any day. By working together we could curtail a crisis in our area.


Pizza Delivery Driver Robbed

Suspect Armed With Chrome Semi-Automatic Handgun

  • 26 February 2018
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Crimes Stoppers Crime of the Week

February 22, 2018

Officer Matt Goulet, Coordinator of Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard counties.

For every crime that occurs it’s been established that someone, besides the perpetrator, knows who did it. It may be a witness who hasn’t come forward, a person who heard a casual remark implicating someone, or even a friend who heard the misguided offender bragging about their irresponsible criminal act. If you are one of those people who have information that can help solve a crime, Crime Stoppers wants to hear from you. This week we’re looking for information about an armed robbery to a pizza delivery driver on February 17th at 7pm at the 1100 block of Reservoir in Springfield. Investigators are following up on evidence in the robbery which was committed by a black male in his 30’s who stood 6 feet one inch tall and weighed approximately 220 pounds. He wore dark clothing, grey knit gloves, sunglasses and displayed a chrome semi-automatic handgun.

If you have any information, make that anonymous call to the Crime Stopper tipline at 788-8427 or leave it on the Crime Stopper website, If you want to anonymously send the information to us by text, follow the instructions on the right side of the home page of the Crime Stoppers website.

Do the right thing, call Crime Stoppers.


Thieves Target T Mobile Phone Store

Four Subjects Grab Several Phones and Run

  • 15 February 2018
Thieves Target T Mobile Phone Store

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

February 15, 2018


Officer Mike Badger, for Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard counties


On February 12th the T-Mobile Phone store at Southwest Plaza on Veterans Parkway was victimized by a group of 4 persons who stole 8 cell phones and ran out of the business. The four thieves entered the store at approximately one in the afternoon and diverted the attention of the clerk before grabbing the phones and leaving the area on foot. This business, like most others, employs surveillance cameras and images of the perpetrators were captured. Crime Stoppers would like to help police break up this ring so if you know the names of these criminals or, if you may have observed the subjects running from the T Mobile store to their escape vehicle, Crime Stoppers would like to hear from you.

If the information you provides leads to any arrests, Crime Stoppers will pay you a cash reward of up to $2500. It’s easy to leave an anonymous tip, just call the tip line at 788-8427. You can also leave a tip on this web page, or text an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers, instructions are on this web page. ALL TIPS TO CRIME STOPPERS ARE ANONYMOUS TIPS, we don't need your name! 




Burglary Attempted at Triple Play Gaming Parlor

Would-Be Thieves Force Entry, Leave Empty Handed

  • 1 February 2018
Burglary Attempted at Triple Play Gaming Parlor

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

 February 1, 2018

Officer Mike Badger, for Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard counties.

A burglary attempt occurred during the early morning hours of January 10th at Triple Play Gaming Parlor which is located at the 1300 block of Stevenson Drive and Crime Stoppers is hoping you have a tip which will lead to the identification and arrest of the perpetrators. Investigators from the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office believe that the persons responsible for the burglary may have been interrupted while the crime was in progress and we’re hoping someone in the community saw something unusual that they did not realize at the time may have been a burglary in progress.  If you know who this burglary suspect is (pictured on this page), let us know.

If you know, and leave an anonymous tip, Crime Stoppers will pay you a cash reward of up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) if your information leads to an arrest. You can leave a tip anytime on the Crime Stopper tipline at 788-8427 or leave a tip on our website


Theft in Illiopolis

$11,250.00 Dollar loss.

  • 22 December 2017
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Hi, I’m Officer Matt Goulet, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

This week Crime Stoppers needs information about a theft of 3 concrete letters from the Illiopolis sign at US 36 and West Matilda. The letters are valued at $3750.00 each, for a total loss of $11,250.00.This theft occurred between 8pm and midnight on Oct 11th of this year. A vehicle drove up to the sign where the letters were loaded. There is no suspect or vehicle description.

Crime Stoppers Closes A Great Year Serving Community

Over 120 Arrests FromTips!

  • 17 December 2017
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

December 14, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

As we close out the year it’s clear that your tips to Crime Stoppers are paying off at a level we could never have anticipated.  That success is derived from the support we’ve received from you, the citizens of Sangamon and Menard Counties who have a strong desire to make our neighborhoods safe places to live, work, and play in.

From your tips in 2017, 123 people were arrested and over $400,000 in drugs, guns, and cash was seized from criminals who thought they were going to get away with their illegal behavior only to find that their only gain was a county jail jumpsuit and three meals a day in the county jail or the Illinois Department of Corrections. On top of that, over $50,000 in property was recovered and returned to its rightful owners directly from tips. Crime Stoppers responded with approving over $36,000 in cash rewards to those tipsters. Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard Counties thanks you for stepping up and speaking out in the fight against crime!


SPD Needs your Help in Identifying Criminal Suspects Caught on Surveillance Cameras

Crime Stoppers to Pay Cash Rewards for Information Leading to Identification and Arrests of Suspects

  • 6 December 2017
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

December 7, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

In today’s world there are surveillance camera’s nearly everywhere and there are thousands of criminal acts captured by these cameras. Images of ‘crimes in progress’ have resulted in scores of arrests and most often make convictions almost a foregone conclusion. On occasion, there’s clear video images of the perpetrators, however, investigators are not able to identify the suspects in the surveillance video. This is where you can help.

Holiday Shopping Tips for Retail, Internet, and E-Commerce Purchases

Several People Have Reported Thefts While Buying or Selling in E-Commerce Transactions

  • 30 November 2017
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
November 30, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

It’s the holiday season and shoppers have many more venues to make purchases than they had in the past, and criminals are trying to victimize innocent shoppers any way they can. I’d like to offer a couple tips on safe holiday shopping. First, when shopping at retail and big box stores, don’t leave purchases visible in your vehicles and practice common safety sense in parking lots.  If you are making purchases from Craig’s list, Facebook, or other e-commerce sites, ALWAYS meet buyers or sellers at well-lit public places with security cameras and do NOT meet buyers or sellers while you are alone. There are safe e-commerce zones all over the area including the Springfield Police Station and locations in Petersburg, Greenview, and Athens. Police have taken several reports of people attempting to buy items from posts on Facebook or E-Commerce sites such as Craig's List only to become victimized by someone pretending to have interest in buying (or selling) the item and then robbing them at a designated meeting point such as a parking lot of a fast food restaurant.

If you are making purchases directly on the internet, make sure you are on a valid website, not a clone site designed to steal your credit card information or drain your bank accounts. Many internet scams are initiated when people receive an email offering great deals and offering a link to a major retail store. After making the internet purchase and checking out with their credit card or routing number, they discover that the link was to a clone site of the retail store. Many of these clone sites are nearly perfect replica's of the true website.

If you can identify the suspects in any theft cases or scams, Crime Stoppers would like to hear from you.  Just call the tipline at 788-8427 or leave it on the website Happy SAFE shopping!


Armed Robbery at Dollar General in Springfield

Lone Gunman Robs Wabash Avenue Location

  • 21 November 2017
Armed Robbery at Dollar General in Springfield

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

 November 22, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

On November 6th an Armed Robbery occurred at the Dollar General store on Wabash Avenue in Springfield and a cash reward of up to Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ($2500) is available for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrator. The incident occurred just before 10 pm when a subject entered the business and held a black handgun, possibly with a chrome barrel, at the neck of a store clerk. The employee was forced to open the cash drawer told to (quote) “empty the money” out of the cash register. The black male suspect was tall with a medium build and was approximately 25 to 35 years of age. He was wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt, white tennis shoes, black gloves, and had on a black bandanna. Surveillance photos of the suspect are on the Crime Stopper web site


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If you see a crime in progress or need to report an emergency, please call 911

Submit a Tip Online:

  • Go to this site
  • Enter your details and click "Submit Tip"

*To check on a submission go here and enter your unique submission number

Submit a Tip by Phone:

  • Call Crime Stoppers at 217-788-8427 (1-800-397-2288)

Submit a Tip by Text:

Instructions on how to send an anonymous text tip:

  • Select text "Messaging" or "SMS" (short messaging service) on your phone’s main menu.
  • Create (compose) a new message, beginning with the keyword TIP672 (not case sensitive) in the body of the message.
  • Send the message to the short code of 274637 (Crimes)
  • Your initial submission will trigger an auto response from the secure transaction server.
  • You will receive brief notes and a unique code number to that response.
  • Text STOP to 274637 to cancel. Text HELP to 274637 for help. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.
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