Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
December 10, 2015
Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stopper Coordinator for
Sangamon and Menard Counties
Two weeks ago, with the help of observant citizens,
Springfield Police were able to make an arrest of a burglary suspect who was
believed to be responsible for several west side burglaries. No sooner than
police took one criminal off the street, however, another series of burglaries
occurred last week at west side residential areas of Springfield near the mall
and north of Washington Park. We're pleased that fewer people are leaving personal property in
plain view in vehicles, and there haven’t been as many reports of burglaries to
vehicles so far this holiday season. Unfortunately, the spike this week in residential
burglaries has put a damper on recent successes.
Keep your eyes
open, report suspicious activity to police, and call Crime Stoppers with your
tips on suspects. We want these criminals off the street so call 788-8427 with
the tips you have. You can also leave tip information on our web site Crime Stoppers pays up to $1000 for anonymous information that
leads to an arrest.