Saturday, March 8, 2025


Information sought in two shootings

Need help in solving daylight beating of elderly woman

Need help in solving daylight beating of elderly woman

Police are looking for a subject who battered an 80 year old female subject in broad daylight on a sunny Sunday afternoon after he asked her for money and she didn’t immediately comply with his demand. The incident took place at the 400 block of N 2nd in Springfield, between Madison and Carpenter, on October 16th. There’s a very good surveillance photo of the coward who punched the lady several times in the face before he took her purse and left her injured with no remorse or concern for her well-being. The victim has recovered from her injuries and the purse was found nearby, now it’s time to find this heartless and gutless criminal and lock him up.

Help needed in identifying armed robber

Help needed in identifying armed robber

Shortly after midnight on October 12 the new Dominos Pizza location at 2660 S Sixth Street was robbed by an armed black male subject who was wearing a ski mask. The suspect entered through the rear door of the business, pointed a revolver at an employee, and demanded cash. After his demands were complied with, the suspect left through the alley at the rear of the business. Police are processing evidence left at the scene. Crime Stoppers takes tips on all types of crimes and this is a good example of how someone can earn up to $1000 for their anonymous information. In this, as in nearly all crimes, somebody else besides the perpetrator knows who did it. Call Crime Stoppers, you don’t have to give your name, just the name of the person who committed this robbery.

Looking for information in cold cases

Looking for information in cold cases

Crime Stoppers is seeking tips or any information which might be helpful in solving the below listed homicides which have occurred in Sangamon County in past years . In some instances, these tragic criminal acts occurred many years ago and although the cases are not forgotten, new information has not materialized for a long period of time. New information is needed in all of these cases and it is hoped that, over time, someone has decided to come forward with information which might help investigators.

Victim(s) Date Location
Anthony Gant 08/07/2011 1904 S Wirt
Kaiser Bender 04/22/2010 1100 S Martin Luther King
Leonard J. Linder 03/07/2005 2170 S Taylor
Lakisha Criss / Barron Rice 05/25/2005 2116 E Lawrence
Robert MacAfee 02/12/1997 1115 N 12th
Alonzo Walker 08/22/1992 1300 E Capitol

Fitness center thefts

There’s been a series of thefts from fitness centers in the area and Crime Stoppers needs your tips to help solve these crimes. In the past week, police have taken several reports of items being stolen from lockers in the fitness centers or from cars parked outside gyms while the victims were working out. Police are investigating these thefts and hope you can help identify the thieves. Please remember that you should never leave anything of value visible in a car and always lock your car while you’re working out. Also, secure items with padlocks in fitness center lockers. In some of these incidents, the thieves removed just the credit cards and ID’s from purses and wallets and then placed thousands of dollars of charges on the cards.

Cold case update

Cold case update

Crime Stoppers is seeking tips or any information which might be helpful in solving the below listed homicides which have occurred in Sangamon County in past years . In some instances, these tragic criminal acts occurred many years ago and although the cases are not forgotten, new information has not materialized for a long period of time. New information is needed in all of these cases and it is hoped that, over time, someone has decided to come forward with information which might help investigators.

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