Friday, March 14, 2025


Robbery to a Person, Aggravated Battery

Increase in Burglaries to Vehicles

Many Vehicles Left Unlocked Overnight

  • 13 April 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 6781

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week

April 13, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Recent weeks have shown an increase in burglaries to motor vehicles in several neighborhoods and subdivisions in the Springfield area and Crime Stoppers would like help in identifying the perpetrators. A vast majority of the thefts from vehicles occur during the overnight hours from unlocked vehicles. There have been, however, several thefts from vehicles in which items of value were in plain sight in the vehicles and persons used force, and even caused damage, to gain entry. In some instances police believe that individuals looked into the windows of parked vehicles only to return at a more opportune time with one or two other persons to break into the vehicles.

Fraudulent Check Ring Hits Central Illinois

Two Females Captured in Surveillance Video

  • 6 April 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 10874
Fraudulent Check Ring Hits Central Illinois

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
 April 6, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Crime Stoppers is looking for two subjects who have been involved in a series of incidents in which fraudulent checks were created and then cashed at several locations in Springfield and around Central Illinois. The total loss in these cases will be well over $10,000 when it’s all said and done, and Crime Stoppers wants your help to break up this crime ring. Take a look at the surveillance photos on this website ( and you can clearly see the primary suspects in this case. They’re both black females in their mid 30’s or 40’s who stand approximately 5’5” tall and have a medium to heavy build. Both have long black hair however one of them wears glasses and has two distinctive gold teeth with a gap between them.


Burglary in Rochester

Handguns Stolen

  • 31 March 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 6618

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
 March 30, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Crime Stoppers is looking for information about a burglary that occurred at the 200 block of East Main in Rochester on March 13th between 10pm and just before midnight. The thieves entered through a rear door and were able to get away with several handguns and ammunition as well as a small amount of cash.  There was evidence from the crime scene and police have some leads to follow up on, however, more information is needed to solve this crime.

Kohl's Department Store Victimized by "Smash and Grab"

$5000 in Merchandise Stolen

  • 23 March 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 19545
Kohl's Department Store Victimized by "Smash and Grab"

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Crime Stoppers is looking for information about a late night break-in which occurred at Kohls Department Store on Veterans Parkway in Springfield on March 19th. In the incident, 3 persons smashed the glass in the entrance doors, quickly entered the business through the damaged doors, and grabbed armfuls of clothing which had been on display. The suspects were in and out of the store in a few quick minutes and removed approximately $5000 worth of Nike clothing items from the business. The suspects left the area in a white sedan with the registration plate covered which had been waiting for them in front of the store. Police have made several arrests in similar smash and grab incidents around the Midwest and hope someone has information about this recent attempt.

Extensive Criminal Damage to Property at Villas at Vinegar Hill

Arson Also Attempted

  • 20 March 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 2972

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
 March 16, 2017

Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Crime Stoppers needs your tips to help police solve an arson and criminal damage incident which occurred at the nearly completed Villas at Vinegar Hill residential development on Allen Street in Springfield in early
February. Surveillance video indicated that 2 – 3 persons were involved in the incident in which the perpetrators extensively vandalized the buildings before using an accelerant to attempt to light the structure on fire. Although the sprinkler system extinguished the flames, damage was estimated at $40,000. Police are processing evidence from the crime scene however at this time, the names of the persons involved in this arson are not known.

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