[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Eventdate]: [EasyDNNnews:EventDate] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:ExportEvent]
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This week Crime Stoppers wants to make you aware of our next event! Motorheads Bar and Grill will be celebrating their 4th anniversary on Saturday, May 21st and Crime Stoppers will be joining in the celebration. It’s also Tim Wilkerson day at Motorheads so come check out the cars! Crime Stoppers will have a 50/50 raffle and basket raffles and there will be live music and great food as well! Crime Stoppers operates off of the generous donations and fund raising support that we get from all of you and we thank you for that! If you have information about crime call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 217-788-8427, submit a tip on this website, Cashfortips.US or use the P3 app. If your tip results in an arrest you could receive a cash reward up to $2500. Remember Crime Stoppers only wants your information, not your name.
[EasyDNNnews:Author:ShortInfo] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Otherpostsby] [EasyDNNnews:Author:Link]