Monday, March 3, 2025


Increase in Burglaries to Vehicles

Increase in Burglaries to Vehicles

Many Vehicles Left Unlocked Overnight

  • 13 April 2017
  • Author: Coordinator
  • Number of views: 6694

Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week
April 13, 2017
Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.

Recent weeks have shown an increase in burglaries to motor vehicles in several neighborhoods and subdivisions in the Springfield area and Crime Stoppers would like help in identifying the perpetrators. A vast majority of the thefts from vehicles occur during the overnight hours from unlocked vehicles. There have been, however, several thefts from vehicles in which items of value were in plain sight in the vehicles and persons used force, and even caused damage, to gain entry. In some instances police believe that individuals looked into the windows of parked vehicles only to return at a more opportune time with one or two other persons to break into the vehicles.
If you have information about any thefts from vehicles and police are able to make an arrest based on information you provide, Crime Stoppers will pay you a cash reward. If you want to leave a tip it’s easy, and remember we never get your name. Just call the Crime Stopper tip line at 788-8427 or take a look at information on the right side of this page for more information on how to leave a tip.



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